About us

"Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much." Helen Keller

Meet our team

Working together to support your inner journey

Samuel Michelot


Samuel is an entrepreneur with over 10 years of personal experience in the world of meditation, personal development, and various therapies. He studied the Master Borja Vilaseca in 2018 (Mindfulness, Coaching, NLP, etc.). Naturally curious, he has tested numerous practices during his travels in America, Europe, and Asia. He values scientific rigor while maintaining a broad-mindedness. 

Samuel believes that we spend too much time working on the external aspects of our lives (money, appearance, etc.), when focusing on inner work produces much better results. He also thinks that many of the issues prevalent in our society are a manifestation of our collective inner state as humans. Therefore, by focusing on our own healing and growth, we can contribute to make the world a better place, one step at a time.
That’s why he founded this center dedicated to inner health.

Pilar Hostaled


Pilar has over 18 years of experience in the mental health field. She is truly passionate about her work and has never stopped learning, continuously involving herself in various projects. 

Her list of qualifications is extensive and impressive, having obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology in 2005 (UB #18185), a Master’s in Systemic Family Therapy, and diplomas in Mindfulness, ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), Tapping or EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques), Wingwave Coaching, and NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming).

She is working a lot with inner child meditations and runs workshops for woman.

She puts her knowledge and experience at the service of others.

Dorset Campbell-Ross

Counsellor, NLP, NVC specialist

Dorset is a former professional musician, rebirther, NLP master practitioner and counsellor specialised in codependency. His use of song, empathy and humour makes his workshops entertaining, educational, and transformational.
learned Nonviolent Communication (NVC) from Dr Marshall Rosenberg between 1999 and 2002. He became a certified NVC trainer in 2004. He has mediated for the Irish government, businesses and couples, and managed the crisis centre at the Sangla hospital following the Bali bomb in 2002. After this he committed to becoming a peacemaker, and spreading NVC. Since then he has taught NVC in Africa, Germany, Korea, Australia, New Zealand and throughout Indonesia

Thi Ho

Breathworker & Healer

Thi‘s family had to escape war-torn Vietnam. She experienced trauma and neglect as a child which manifested into depression, anxiety and rage in her twenties. She sought out and experimented with various healing modalities such as breathwork, yoga, inner child meditation and psychedelic-assisted therapy, which helped her unfreeze and clear blockages. Through her healing journey, she discovered her passion for guiding others to achieve profound healing and transformation.
She intend to hold space for all, and provide loving support with integrity and humility.

Join us

Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.

If you are working with healing and would like to collaborate, please contact us: